Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Epic Gestalt Character Creation Rules

Character Creation: 50 pt Buy
Step 1: All Stats Start At 8

Step 2: Buy Stats
9 - 1 pt
10 - 2 pts
11 - 3 pts
12 - 4 pts
13 - 5 pts
14 - 6 pts
15 - 8 pts
16 - 10 pts
17 - 13 pts
18 - 16 pts

Step 3: Choosing Races / Templates
        Player's may choose a total maximum of Level Adjustment + 2 of any ONE race and any ONE template
    subject to the DMs discretion.  You cannot gain more HD from doing this above your
     character level.  You also must meet all other prerequisites for the race and template combination you desire.
    The total level adjustment will not count towards your gestalt levels as long as it does not exceed a
    Level Adjustment of +2.  This also applies to templates taken after level 1.

Step 4: Apply Racial / Template Modifiers to Stats after you are finished choosing them.

Step 5: Alignment must be non-evil.

Step 6: Choose You 2 classes for each character level.
        a. Choose 2 classes that are not the same class.
    b. Valid class combinations
       Note: A Racial Paragon Prestige Class or A Bloodline Prestige Class from Unearthed Arcana counts as a base class.
       Base Class + Base Class
       Base Class + Prestige Class

Step 7: Hit Die will be the better of the two classes chosen.

Step 8: Base Attack Bonus will be calculated as follows
    a. Figure out the BAB Progression for each class you have taken
        Good Progression: +1 BAB Per Class Level
    Average Progression: +.75 Per Class Level
    Poor Progresson: .5 Per Class Level
    b. Add up the total sum of the BAB Progression of all your classes combined and divide by 2.

Step 9: Saving Throw Bonus
    a. Figure out how much the saving throw changed at each class level.
    b. Add up the total sum of saving throw changes and divide by 2.

Step 10: Skills
     a. Choose the better progression of the 2 classes for each level.
     b. Once a skill is a class skill it is from that point on considered a class skill.
     c. You only gain the class skills of the skill point progression class.

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