Sunday, October 11, 2009

Character Flaws

I have never been introduced to the variant of Character Flaws in a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 campaign, until just recently. At first I wasn't very sure about the balance of this variant. But upon closer examination, I have found it to be quite interesting, and pretty well balanced. A description and list of Character Flaws can be found at Below are some additional, home-brew character flaws that I have come up with.

Under Estimated
Friends and foes alike, just can't seem to grasp the full spectrum of your achievements or prowess.

Affect: You take a  -4  penalty on  Diplomacy and  Intimidation  checks.  Furthermore, the DC and AC for your Aid Another actions increases from 10 to 12.

Fear of Heights 
Even the slightest elevation makes you deathly afraid.

Affect: You take a -4 penalty to Climb checks, and to Balance checks, when balancing on a platform at least 10ft above the ground.  Additionally, you automatically fall when failing a Climb check, or a balance check on a platform at least 10ft above the ground.
Special: Without this flaw, you normally only fall when failing Climb or Balance checks by 5 or more.  If you have immunity to fear, or achieve immunity to fear through a feat, magical item, spell/spell-like ability, ability, or class feature, you lose access to this flaw, and lose the benefit of the feat gained by this flaw.

Slow Learner
You have always had to work harder than others, to pick up on things.

Affect: Subtract 4 from the number of skill points you gain at first level, and 1 from the number of skill points you gain at each level thereafter. This flaw can reduce the number of skill points you gain to 0 (but not below). Additionally, gaining ranks in cross-class skills costs you 4 skill points per rank, instead of 2 skill points per rank.
Special: You must have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher to take this flaw.

You are easily duped by trickery and deceit.

Affect: You take a -4 penalty on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. Additionally, you suffer a -3 penalty to saving throws against mind-influencing Illusion spells and spell-like abilities.

What you lack in discipline and self-control, you make up for with boldness.

Affect: You take a -4 penalty to Concentration checks, and a -3 penalty to saving throws against Enchantment (compulsion) spells and spell-like abilities. Furthermore, if you fail to go first in the initiative order during the first round of an encounter, you suffer a -1 penalty to AC until the beginning of your next turn.

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