Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Epic Maneuver Seeds

Seed: Throw

Setting Sun

Martial Lore DC: 14
Action: Standard (see text)
Range: touch
Target: Creature touched (see text)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex Half (see text)

As a part of a maneuver you must make at least a 10-ft. move before making your touch attack.  This movement provokes attacks of opportunity.  If you make a successful touch attack against the target, you next make a trip attempt with a +4 bonus, using the greater of your Str or Dex modifier, which does not provoke an attack of opportunity.  You cannot be tripped as a result of a failed trip attempt from this maneuver.  The target is thrown up to 10-ft., plus an additional 5-ft. for each 5 points by which you win the opposed check.  The target must land in an unoccupied space at the end of this movement, though the target may be thrown through occupied squares.  The target's movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the target takes 1d6 damage per five feet thrown, and falls prone at the end of the movement.  If the target cannot be placed in an empty square at the end of the movement, then the target is placed in the space closest to the end of the movement, and still takes full damage for the entire movement.  A secondary target can be designated, for each primary thrown target, by adding +6 to the Martial Lore DC, for each primary target thrown into a secondary target.  The secondary target takes the same damage as the primary target, with a Reflex Save (DC 20 + Str. mod.) for half damage.  The primary target will fall prone in any adjacent space to the secondary target.  Multiple primary targets can be designated by a maneuver, by changing the action to a full-round action, and by adding +2 to the Martial Lore DC, for each additional primary target.  You must make at least 10-ft. movement between each primary target, and all movements still provoke attacks of opportunity.  When designating multiple primary targets, you may move a total of 2 x base speed, as a part of the maneuver.  In order to negate the first 10-ft. move requirement, and subsequent 10-ft. move requirements when designating multiple primary targets, you may add +4 to the Martial Lore DC for each negated 10-ft. movement.  Lastly, a primary target may be thrown in a line, instead of into a secondary target, by adding +10 to the Martial Lore DC, for each primary target thrown in this way.  The primary target, and each creature in the line area will take 1d6 damage for each 10-ft. of the thrown range, no save.  The primary target must still end movement in an empty space at the end of the line, or the closest unoccupied space from the end of the line, where it will fall prone.

Super-Nova Throw

Setting Sun

Martial Lore DC: 142
Action: full-round action
Range: touch
Target: each creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: none
To Develop: 1,176,000 gp; 24 days; 47,040 exp; Seed: throw (DC 14); Mitigating Factor: backlash 8d6 (-8 DC)

When you initiate this maneuver, you may make a melee touch attack against each adjacent enemy.  You may next make a separate trip attempt against each enemy whom you made a successful touch attack against.  These trip attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity, you gain a +4 bonus to each of these trip attempts, you may not be tripped on a failed attempt, and you may use either your Dex or Str modifier on these trip attempts, whichever is higher.  For each successful trip attempt, you throw the target 10-ft. plus an additional 5-ft. for each 5 points by which you win the trip attempt.  Each tripped target is thrown in a line to the end of its respective movement, and each target and each creature in the area of each line, takes 1d6 damage for each 10-ft. of thrown movement of each respective target.  Each tripped target falls prone at the end of its line, or is placed prone in the nearest empty space to the end of its respective line.  The movement of each target, as a result of this maneuver, does not provoke attacks of opportunity.  You take 8d6 damage, which cannot be prevented in any way, as a result of initiating this maneuver.  If you fall to -10 hp or lower, as a result of this backlash damage, you will automatically lose one level if resurrected, no matter what means is used for resurrection.

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